Saturday, December 11, 2010

This is exactly like the second page in a new diary.

People don't call them diaries any more. They mostly call them journals. As far as I know, journals don't start with Dear Diary, and they don't have front pages where you write your name and the year, and then wish that you'd written it with the other pen, because this pen somehow betrayed you. Instead of elegant script and impressive loops, your name looks babyish, or maybe just too well intended. You cringe, and wonder if anyone will notice if you use a sharp blade to cut along the spine of the diary and make that page gone.

But this is the first page. There is no knife. No betraying pen. So here I go.

Leigh Evans
11 December 2010

Dear Diary,

Last night I dreamed about werewolves.


  1. Dear Leigh,

    Just wanted to pop in to say CONGRATULATIONS on your win in the Deidre Knight Speed Dating Contest! I'm sure you must be over-the-moon with excitement. I share your excitement and now, I'm sharing your thoughts as I follow your blog and what I am sure will be a stellar career!

    Your Fellow Finalist,

  2. Dear Sophie,

    Thank you for your very generous post. You're right, I am over the moon. It was tight race and this time I got lucky.

    I will be following your career with equal interest.

